Curriculum Vitæ
Work Experience
Full-time positions
Machine Learning Engineer
Tampa, Fl
March 2022 - August 2023
Machine learning engineer for Chattr, an AI-powered hiring assistant startup based in Tampa, Fl. Solely responsible for Chattr’s ML operations, including planning for, creating, maintaining and monitoring MLOps pipelines; using trunk-based development for the deployment and management of multiple model-serving endpoints, the latter leveraging transformer architectures including that of large language models for text classification, named-entity recognition, summarization, and text generation, additionally leading a team in applying generative AI techniques for business solutions. Constantly consumed research in the field to try to improve business outcomes.
Machine Learning Engineer
July 2021- February 2022
Machine learning position following a 2 month-long internship at econscia, a carbon accounting startup based in
London specializing in Scope 3 emissions reporting. Planned and developed the stack’s Scope 3 emissions end-to-end
solution for pre-processing client data, vendor processing, spend categorization using document similarity techniques,
and emissions calculations.
- CPT & ICD Fetcher - Fetches CPT and ICD-11 codes using NLP and the ICD API for submitting prior authorizations or orders for medical procedures
- GPTeach - Using GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 to create Q&A’s for any topic for studying or data generation
- Melee-bot - Fine-tuning Llama 2 7B using Self-Instruct to give tips on how to win in Super Smash Bros. Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube
Software Engineer, Intern
Internship focusing on the development of the CarbonCulture stack using such software as Django, Git, uwsgi, Nginx,
PostgreSGL as well as others for messaging and monitoring. CarbonCulture is a firm which focuses on working with
clients to monitor their carbon footprint with games, apps and research tools.
Event Horizon Telescope
Research assistant, Intern
Cambridge, Mass.
Specialized in developing and validating adaptive algorithms for polarimetric gains calibration and implementation of
the calibration for the Event Horizon Telescope at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and examining
polarimetric gains calibration on data from the Global Milimeter VLBI array using regression techniques for the Event Horizon Telescope’s website memo series.
Synthetic Optics
Research assistant, Intern
Fife, Scotland
Synthetic Optics internship at University of St. Andrews Department of Physics and Astronomy, specializing in
optimizing the design of a saturable absorber for an integrated semiconducting laser, under Andrea Di Falco.
University of St Andrews
Bachelors in Physics with Honors
Fife, UK
2016 - 2020
Upper second class honors
First Author Publications
S Steel, M Wielgus, L Blackburn, S Issaoun, MD Johnson. “Global calibration of instrumental polarimetric phase gains.” 2019. Event Horizon Telescope Memo Series. Link here.